
3D Printing PowderCast AlloyCeramic and Sealing Parts
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CW-PA Dental Ni-Cr Porcelain Alloy
发布时间: 2021-12-09

Medical Device Registration Certificate No.:川械注准20192170094

Product model:KND/CW-PA

Main Components:

This product is mainly composed of nickel, chromium, molybdenum, silicon and a small amount of rare metal elements, without toxic element beryllium (Be), through high vacuum smelting and purification.

Scope of Application:

For crown and bridges of fixed denture restoration.

Main Features:

1. Does not contain toxic elements beryllium, cadmium, to ensure the corrosion resistance, anti-discoloration performance, to ensure that the processing personnel are not poisoned by beryllium dust, so that the processing plant use without worries.
The biocompatibility has been tested and certified by the authoritative institution recognized by the State Food and Drug Administration.
The unique formula makes the alloy has excellent stable and reliable metal-porcelain bonding, can be used with a variety of porcelain powder matching.
With moderate strength, hardness, and good plasticity, easy grinding, and can ensure that the long bridge is not easy to deform,
High vacuum smelting purification, greatly reduce the bubbles and cracks in the process of porcelain.

Main performance:



注册地址: 成都市科华北路99号四川大学国家大学科技园405室

生产地址: 成都市龙泉驿区经开区南一路68号



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